Quality of life in older caregivers of grandchildren in northern and southwestern Mexico
Objective: Determine the relationship of personal characteristics with the quality of life in elderly people who care for their grandchildren from northern and southwestern Mexico.
Method: Descriptive-correlational and comparative method, using a sample of 326 older adults who take care of their grandchildren; this sample was collected through convenience sampling and making sure that people met the inclusion criteria. A personal data card and the self-perceived quality of life scale were applied in elderly people in the community (α=0.93). The data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics such as U Mann-Whitney, Chi Square, and Spearman tests. It was approved by the Ethics Committee, in compliance with national and international regulations.
Results: The population had an M of 68.56 years, being 54.9% male and 45.1% female, with one M of 9.10 hours of care of the grandchild. The association of quality of life with the geographical area of Mexico was found (Chi=35,695, p<0.05). The relationship between age (r=-0,155) and number of children (r=-0,279) and quality of life was seen.
Conclusions: It was seen that the older the age and number of children, the lower the quality of life. Similarly, quality of life is associated with the geographical area. It is recommended that care be given within physical, psychological, and social health of this vulnerable group.
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