Indices of social and programmatic vulnerability for older adults living at home


Keywords: Aged; Frail Elderly; Vulnerable Populations; Health Status Indicators; Nursing.


Objectives: Build Social and Programmatic Vulnerability indices for older people living at home and verify the association of vulnerability components (individual, social and programmatic).
Methods: It is a population based study, household and transversal survey type, conducted with 701 community older adults. Descriptive and bivariate exploratory spatial analysis was conducted (p≤ 0.05) as well as analysis of Main Components.
Results: By means of the indices, it was observed that peripheral census tracts presented very high social vulnerability levels and that the main variables representative of the programmatic component – access to dentist via SUS, medications, and search of the same care location. It was verified that only 3.9% of the older adults did not present some level of vulnerability (individual, social and programmatic).
Conclusion: Older adults are exposed to multiple vulnerability conditions, and Social and Programmatic Vulnerability indices are important tools for managers’ decision making.


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How to Cite
Bolina, A.F. et al. 2022. Indices of social and programmatic vulnerability for older adults living at home. Global Nursing. 21, 1 (Jan. 2022), 140–178. DOI: