Attitude and self-care practice in hansen´s disease: construction and psychometric validation of measuring instruments
Objective: To build and test the content validity of the instrument, attitude, and practice of self-care in leprosy, with face, hands, and feet.
Method: Methodological study of technology validation and quantitative approach. An instrument called Attitude and Practice of Self-Care in Hansen's Disease was developed, containing two constructs, three dimensions and 45 items. The validation used analysis through the evaluation of the internal consistency of each item / dimension and the Kappa inter-observer agreement index.
Results: The validity index indicated the need for adjustments to the original composition of the scale, which now consists of 45 questions to 52, with the inclusion of a fourth dimension, showing high inter-agreement observers in the second version (K≥0.99).
Conclusion: The scale has adequate psychometric properties, revealing potential for use in future studies.
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