Urinary tract infection in prenatal care: role of public health nurses
Objective: To explore and describe public health nurses' role in the prenatal consultation to prevent and control urinary tract infection.
Methods: A qualitative, descriptive study was conducted in 24 basic health units in southern Piauí, northeastern Brazil. The study included 22 public health nurses and was carried out from February to March 2016. Data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire containing sociodemographic data followed by the interview questions. The IRAMUTEQ software was used for data analysis using the Descending Hierarchical Classification method.
Results: The following classes were created based on the evoked words: 1 - Routine care of public health nurses assisting pregnant women; 3 - Public health nurse's conduct for treatment and prevention of urinary infection in pregnant women; 4 - Difficulties in diagnosing urinary tract infection in pregnant women; 2 - Health education as the main measure adopted by public health nurses to prevent urinary tract infection in pregnant women.
Conclusions: Public health nurses lacked protocols and agreement to guidelines. The main measures for preventing and controlling urinary tract infection in pregnant women were adequate intimate hygiene, increased fluid intake, and hygiene before and after sexual intercourse.
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