Nursing diagnoses related to the potential adverse effects of antineoplastic chemotherapy


Keywords: Nursing Diagnosis; Oncology Nursing; Adverse Effects; Chemotherapy; Nursing Process.


chemotherapy in cancer patients.
Method: Quantitative, descriptive study, performed at the chemotherapy ambulatory of a public hospital, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Seventy patients were included in the sample and interviewed to obtain sociodemographic characteristics. Clinical data and the chemotherapy protocol were obtained from the physical record. Possible toxicities and adverse effects were identified for each chemotherapy protocol through a textbook and, subsequently, nursing diagnoses were identified in the taxonomy of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I), version 2018-2020, and associates toxicities and adverse effects.
Results: The most prevalent primary site was colon and rectum (30%), and breast (30%). All participants were receiving chemotherapy with potential hematological, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and dermatological toxicity. Thirty-six nursing diagnoses were identified based on NANDA-I, with a greater predominance of diagnoses in the safety/protection domain, and the elimination and exchange domain.
Conclusion: The identification of Nursing Diagnoses based on chemotherapy protocols allows the proposition of individualized care plans to meet the needs of patients undergoing chemotherapy, with a focus on preventing the occurrence and minimizing adverse effects, when already present.


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How to Cite
Mateus, L.M. de A. et al. 2021. Nursing diagnoses related to the potential adverse effects of antineoplastic chemotherapy. Global Nursing. 20, 4 (Oct. 2021), 61–107. DOI: