Potentialities and challenges of health education in the Covid-19 pandemic
Objective: To report the potential and challenges of the Multi-professional Residency Programs in health education to frontline professionals in the Covid-19 pandemic.
Method: This is a descriptive study from an experience report of professors from the residency program at the State University of Piauí. It shows the result of a process of experiences and critical reflections on the practices, health education offered to professionals in the healthcare industry in front of hospitals and basic health units, during the Covid-19 pandemic, in the municipality of Teresina, Piauí. The activities were divided into four stages: planning; execution, monitoring, and evaluation. There were conversation circles and demonstration of the process of dressing and undressing the equipment and also practical feedback by each participant at the end. Welcoming and/or completion dynamics were also used.
Results: During March and April 2020, 1,343 (one thousand, three hundred and forty-three) health professionals were qualified.
Conclusion: The qualifications enabled an exchange of experiences, reflections on safety culture, and two-way learning between residents and health professionals. Dealing with the new, indecision and the unknown was a great challenge.
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