Teaching patient safety in nursing: integrative review
Objective: To identify scientific evidence in the literature on how the teaching of patient safety takes place in Nursing.
Methodology: It was an integrative review of the literature conducted in the following databases: LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF, IBECS, CINAHL, Web of Science, and Scopus.
Results: 11 articles published from 2007 were selected, predominantly in the United States, descriptive and of intervention type, in which the most papers used strategy for teaching patient safety in Nursing was simulation and in research, the problem-based learning method.
Conclusion: Teaching patient safety in Nursing has been carried out most of the time through simulation, but it remains little-known in Brazil. Therefore, it is essential to include this topic in Nursing curricular programs from the beginning of the course and the use of strong teaching methods and strategies.
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