Risk factors associated with pregnancy in adolescents
Objective: To assess the risk factors for pregnancy in adolescents.
Method: Retrospective case-control study with a non-probability sample for convenience of 180 adolescents: 60 pregnant women (cases) and 120 non pregnant women (controls) Data collection was carried out between September and October, 2019 in a public health center in Trujillo, using FACES-III and a card identifying sociodemographic and family data. For the data analysis the Odds ratio was determined, the confidence intervals (CI) were calculated and the magnitude of effect was estimated.
Results: Exposure to violence (OR: 5.82), family functionality (OR: 3.87), age of mother's first pregnancy (OR: 4.07), and parents’ emotional situation (OR: 4.24) were risk factors with a moderate magnitude of effect, whereas mother's education (OR: 2.03) was a risk factor with a small magnitude of effect and father's education (OR: 1.37) was insignificant.
Conclusions: Exposure to violence, family functionality, age of mother's first pregnancy, emotional situation and parents’ level of education all acted as risk factors for adolescent pregnancy.
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