HIV as a means of materializing Gender Violence and violence in same-sex couples
Objective: The general objective of this research is to identify the prevalence and characteristics of partner violence (perpetrator and recipient) in HIV positive patients enrolled in the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS, in Spanish) in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Methodology: A quantitative research was proposed, through a descriptive and transversal design, using as main instrument the Likert scale of violence in partner relationships of Cienfuegos and the Likert scale on the use of HIV as a means to materialize violence. We applied 265 self-administered questionnaires and obtained a statistic sample of 198 patients
Results: There is a prevalence of partner violence of 40.40% as a receiver and of 40.90% as a perpetrator, psychological violence is the most frequent form in both cases. The prevalence of the use of HIV as a means of materializing partner violence as a recipient is of 4.54% and of 2.52% as a perpetrator. There is a higher proportion of non-heterosexual female victims and aggressors, and of couples in which both members are HIV positive; as well as in patients with a higher level of secure attachment and satisfaction with life.
Conclusions: As in GBV (gender-based violence), there is evidence of the existence of violence in same-sex relationships in which one of the members is HIV positive. Likewise, it is possible to corroborate that HIV is used as a means to exercise partner violence.
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