Preliminary study of the end-of-life process through data triangulation in a regional Hospital
Objective: To know the characteristics of the end-of-life process in a Regional Hospital, according to the actors involved, establishing convergence/divergence elements in care process, decision-making, information and knowledge.
Method: Observational, cross-sectional, descriptive, convergent of mixed methods and data triangulation study. Carried out on a sample of 63 subjects, of which 25 were health professionals, 19 family caregivers and 19 medical records of patients who died in the course of a year.
Results: Data triangulation shows discrepancies between family members and health professionals regarding care quality and the information provided. The lack of documentation in medical records of care aspects related to decision-making or terminal sedation stands out.
Conclusion: This study provides an integrated view of end-of-life care provided in a Regional Hospital, identifying priority areas of intervention in order to improve quality of life in this process, such as patient involvement in decision-making, appropriate completion of medical records and health professional training.
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