Distribuição espacial do rastreamento do câncer de mama em uma área rural da estratégia de saúde da familia
Objective: To demonstrate by means of georeferencing micro-areas with weaknesses in screening of breast cancer in the area of the Caxirimbu Family Strategy, rural zone of Caxias, Maranhão state, Brazil.
Methods: Sectional epidemiological research. A total of 211 women aged 40 to 69 years were surveyed between April 1 and September 1, 2015. The georeferencing technique was used with the production of geographical coordinates using GPS equipment and the production of spatial distribution maps. Results: In the spatial distribution, it was found that breast cancer screening in the area covered by Caxirimbu has greater reach in the micro areas on the margins of MA 034 and in micro areas close to the health unit. In this coverage, it was found that of the 211 women interviewed, 133 (63.0%) had already undergone mammography, being close to the parameter indicated by the Ministry of Health, which is at least 70.0%. 42.0% (n= 56) had already undergone one mammogram; 36.0% (n= 48), two to three mammograms and; 22.0% (n= 29) reported having performed more than four mammograms. The map showed that 11 locations that tracking is inaccessible to women. In the spatial distribution, there was a greater distribution for irregular mammography performance, converging with its frequency of 80.0%.
Conclusion: The spatial distribution of the intervals practiced by women for mammography exams demonstrated that most of the execution and occurrence of inadequate intervals, identifying the need to implement an organized screening.
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