Design and validation of the spiritual intelligence scale in health practice, Ica-Peru


Keywords: Validation study, Spiritual Intelligence, Intelligence, Spirituality, Scale


Introduction: Spiritual intelligence is the only alternative to humanize health services in the current time of crisis; the urgent need to cultivate and develop it in the health organizations.
Objectives: To design, and validate a scale to measure the profile of spiritual intelligence in health practice (EIEps), in a sample of healths works from Ica, Peru.
Materials and methods: A validation design study of observational and analytical documentary instruments was carried out in 288 health workers; the process includes two phases: Qualitative (creation of the instrument) and quantitative (evaluation of its metric properties).
Results: The instrument consists of 18 items, distributed in three dimensions; the reliability analysis presented a Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.90; with item-total correlation values of 0.45 to 0.72; the confirmatory factor analysis showed a three-domain structure that explained 54% of the total variance. The two-dimensional demostration analysis showed significant (p=0.00) and direct correlation between Dimension I (Spiritual experience in practice), Dimension II (Existential Thought) and Dimension III (Transcendental Consciousness).
Conclusion: The EIEps presented a good internal consistency, with moderate and significant correlations between its items and constitutes an instrument that can be used to measure the profile of spiritual intelligence in health organization workers.


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Author Biography

Domizbeth Becerra Huaman, Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de Ica, Perú

Estudiante de Medicina Humana

Miembro de la Sociedad Cientifica de Estudiantes de Medicina de Ica (SOCEMI), Peru


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How to Cite
Becerra Canales, B. and Becerra Huaman, D. 2020. Design and validation of the spiritual intelligence scale in health practice, Ica-Peru. Global Nursing. 19, 4 (Sep. 2020), 349–378. DOI: