Beliefs and dietary practices in pregnancy and the puerperium: application of the Health Traditions Model
Objective: To describe the cultural beliefs and practices related to food during pregnancy and the puerperium in adult women (over 60 years old) in two different cultures by applying the Health Traditions Model.
Method: A qualitative study was carried out with the participation of 16 women resident during their pregnancy / childbirth / puerperium in a rural area of Braga (Portugal), and León (Spain). The information collection technique was the semi-structured interview. A content analysis was made, following the Health Traditions Model.
Results: Beliefs and dietary practices related to feeding were identified, aimed at protecting, maintaining and recovering the health of the mother / newborn, from the physical / mental / spiritual sphere (9 interrelated dimensions).
Conclusion: Eating beliefs and practices in pregnancy / puerperium of older women were described, confirming the role of culture in them. 9 interrelated dimensions were considered, as well as the relevant role of family / relatives. These data can help us plan for current, participatory (family / community) maternal health actions, correct certain practices, and provide care consistent with the culture of women. This can help transform beliefs, or values and attitudes that embody a certain cultural form in nursing.
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