Elaboration and Validation of a Booklet on Humanized Childbirth
Introduction: Humanized childbirth care focuses on the good treatment of pregnant women; however, some mothers experience obstetric violence, which affects their wellbeing. It is necessary to have validated tools that permit informing, communicating, and educating on practices that contribute to making the delivery process a humanized experience.
Methods. This was a validation study consisting on the development of an educational-communicative booklet on humanized childbirth, from a bibliography review, along with subsequent validation by 16 specialists and 100 participants from the target population, in 2020.
Results: The specialists scored the booklet with a content validity index (CVI) median of 0.94 and Cronbach’s alpha reliability of 0.81. In the target population, the level of positive response ranged between 87% and 100%, with a median of 97.9%.
Discussion: Through a literature review and by heeding to writing details, form, and depth, the study managed to elaborate a booklet that showed high CVI to provide education on humanized childbirth to pregnant women and relatives. Study strengths included process rigor, pollster suitability, and simple size. The principal weakness is that information collection was carried out in health institutions.
Conclusions: The booklet elaborated is valid to guarantee understanding, by mothers and their relatives, of humanized childbirth. It is considered relevant and innovative material to educate on this theme, as an impacting event in the lives of the mother-child binomial and their family.
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