Checklist for a safe intra-hospital transport of critically ill patients: A scoping review


Keywords: intrahospital transport, checklist, critically ill, safety, adverse event, scoping review


Transporting critically ill patients is has a set of risks that may jeopardize their safety. Knowing the risks associated with intrahospitalar transport of critically ill patients is essential to improving patient safety. For the sake of improving patient safety, was chosen to approach it as an intrahospitalar transport checklist, as the literature describes it as a practical and simple way to increase safety.
Objective: Map available scientific evidence regarding aspects of a checklist that ensure the safety of critically ill patients in intrahospitalar transport.
Material and Method: A scoping review was performed following the methodology proposed by The Joanna Briggs Institute in databases using the EBSCOhost and B-on search engines. Conducted research in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Selected free full text articles, with no time limit. Inclusion criteria: adult/elderly critically ill patient, intrahospital transport, a checklist and patient safety.
Results: Included 7 articles for analysis. Most verification requests that ensure the safety of critical patients on intrahospitalar transport concern the transport preparation phase, in which patient is monitored was the most mentioned aspect. From the post-transportation phase, checklist aspects are only available in 3 of 7 articles
Conclusion: All studies address aspects that improve the safety of critically ill patients in intrahospitalar transport and are likely to be included in the checklist. There is no unanimity as to which aspects to include in the checklist.


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How to Cite
Canellas, M. et al. 2020. Checklist for a safe intra-hospital transport of critically ill patients: A scoping review. Global Nursing. 19, 4 (Sep. 2020), 525–572. DOI: