Correlation between stress, cortisol levels and coping strategies in cancer patients undergoing treatment


  • Victor Manuel Ramos Frausto Universidad de Guanajuato
  • Lucía Caudillo Ortega Universidad de Guanajuato
  • José María de la Roca Chapas Universidad de Guanajauto
  • Martha Alicia Hernández González Jefatura División de Investigación UMAE Hospital Especialidades N°1 CMN Bajío.
  • Gloria Barbosa Sabanero Universidad de Guanajuato
  • Mariazel Garcia Rocha Universidad de Guanajuato
Keywords: Stress, cancer, strategies, cortisol, patients


Introduction: Cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2012 14 million new cases and 8.2 million deaths. (WHO, 2019). Patients in treatment, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy have been shown to have high levels of cortisol that influence their quality of life.
Objective: to identify the relationship between stress, cortisol level and coping strategies in cancer patients undergoing treatment.
Material and methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study conducted June to December 2018. In 65 male and female patients under treatment.
Results: 68.2% were women 31.8% men, between 17 and 76 years. With diagnoses Ca breast (30.3%), prostate cancer (18.3), colon (15.2), lung (13.6), cervical (12.1% gastric (9.1%) skin cancer (1.5%). Statistics: 35.3% reported cortisol at normal levels and 64.5% high levels; stress averaged 13.9 (DE s 4.64). On the level of cortisol and the type of treatment, significant differences were observed (X2 x 1,546, p .04), i.e. the patient who has a mixed treatment cortisol is higher.
Conclusions: It is important to reevaluate the strategies focused on the problem, analyze implications and propose studies in the context in which they operate, in the future develop an intervention including nursing activities in chemotherapy and radiotherapy, supporting effective coping strategies. minimizing threats focused on the problem, it is important to have a deeper comprehensive approach.


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How to Cite
Ramos Frausto, V.M. et al. 2020. Correlation between stress, cortisol levels and coping strategies in cancer patients undergoing treatment. Global Nursing. 19, 4 (Sep. 2020), 196–219. DOI: