Spanish Cultural Adaptation of the Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE)English


Keywords: English, Screening, cultural adaptation, childbirth, women, questionnaire


Background: Negative experiences during delivery are associated with women disempowerment, postpartum depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and low breastfeeding rates. The Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE) is a 23-item screening tool useful for discovering women with a negative experience in their birth process and avoids future complications in following pregnancies or couple's relationships.
Objective: The general objective is to adapt the Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE) to the Spanish population and to obtain its psychometric characteristics.
Methodology: The cultural adaptation process consisted of forwarding translation and back translation into Spanish, conceptual equivalence evaluation by a committee of judges, comprehensibility evaluation and cognitive interview to a postpartum group. Psychometric characteristics were obtained throughout the factorial analysis, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett’s test of sphericity and Cronbach alpha level.
Results: After complete the adaptation process, the committee of judges made several adjustments to achieve a better comprehension in the Spanish population, avoid misunderstandings or offensive words in the target language. 138 participants were needed to calculate factor analysis. The KMO (0.838) and Bartlett test (p < 0.001) confirmed the adequacy of factor analysis and the Scree plot showed 6 factors with the predictive power of 73.75% supported total variance. Internal consistency was assured using a Cronbach α of 0.896.
Conclusions: Data from this study demonstrate that the Spanish version of QACE is a valid and reliable measure of childbirth experience in the Spanish population.


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How to Cite
Rodriguez Coll, P. et al. 2020. Spanish Cultural Adaptation of the Questionnaire for Assessing the Childbirth Experience (QACE)English. Global Nursing. 19, 4 (Sep. 2020), 289–321. DOI: