valuation of critical transportation of patients: A systematic review


Keywords: critical care, transportation of patients, nursing


Objective: To evaluate, according to the literature, the main factors considered facilitators and/or aggravating in the transportation of patients in critical condition.
Method: This study is a systematic review performed using the PICO method.
Results: The selected journals comprised a time space in the last 10 years, with six journals eligible, based on the established criteria. The results report that the themes found in this review demonstrate an alignment between care practice and literature, but, for a transportation without adverse events, there must be a union between the management and the professionals involved.
Conclusion: Although the findings demonstrate a great concern regarding the quality of care and team preparation, the authors believe that more studies should be encouraged since teamwork, despite being complex, is the key to performing the procedures with effectiveness.


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How to Cite
Nogueira Melo, L. et al. 2019. valuation of critical transportation of patients: A systematic review . Global Nursing. 19, 1 (Dec. 2019), 615–647. DOI: