Sociodemographic and prenatal factors associated with anemia in Peruvian pregnant women


Keywords: Anemia, pregnant women, prenatal education


Objective: To determine the association between sociodemographic and prenatal factors with anemia in Peruvian pregnant women.
Method: Secondary analysis of the ENDES 2017 sample. The sample consisted of pregnant women between 15 and 49 years old. The dependent variable was iron deficiency anemia and the independent variables were sociodemographic and prenatal factors. For the bivariate analysis. prevalence ratio was calculated.
Results: Regarding sociodemographic factors and anemia, pregnant women with a higher educational level have less possibility of presenting anemia (PR: 0,91; 95% CI: 0,42-1,96; p = 0,041). On the other hand, among the obstetric and prenatal factors associated with anemia were: initiate prenatal control in the third month (PR: 1,4; 95% CI: 0,74-1,58, p = 0,03) and be found in the second trimester of pregnancy ( PR: 1,35, 95% CI: 0,74-1,58; p = 0,04). While pregnant women who have more children (PR: 0,87; 95% CI: 0,78-0,97; p = 0,02) are less likely to have anemia.
Conclusion: The higher educational level and having more children are protective factors of anemia. The start of prenatal control from the third month and the second trimester of pregnancy were associated with the presence of anemia in pregnant women.


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How to Cite
Ortiz Montalvo, Y.J. et al. 2019. Sociodemographic and prenatal factors associated with anemia in Peruvian pregnant women. Global Nursing. 18, 4 (Sep. 2019), 273–290. DOI: