Risk assessment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients affected by tuberculosis
Introduction: The diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis are emergent health problems around the world its impact has been growing and growing every year even though health professionals do their best effort to eradicate them and these diseases mutations could be a real health problem to fight against in the future. Through the years, different researches have demostrate that Diabetes mellitus increase the risk of getting sick of tuberculosis 2 and 4 times more frequently, it means it is a predisposing factor, but there are not researches that define this risk in a backward effect.
Target: Establish risks of developing Diabetes Mellitus type 2 in patients affected by tuberculosis.
Material and Method: A Quantitative, descriptive and transversal study was done, the statistical population was 60 users that take antifimic treatment in 4 Health Centers of District 09D04, zone 8. These users were tested through Findrisc Test.
Results: Male patients have more risk of developing Diabetes Mellitus type 2 at the age below 45 years old and between 45 and 54 years old, in general form 48% of patients have a low level risk.
Conclusion: The population of patients affected by tuberculosis has a low risk level and it is necessary take actions to mitigate this risk and prevent comorbidity.
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