Validation of instruments for care in pediatrics: an integrative study
Objective: This is an integrative review study, which aims to analyze the national and international scientific production on the validation of instruments used as tools to enhance pediatric care.
Material and Methods: We searched the databases SCIELO, LILACS, CINHAL, PUBMED and SCOPUS, using the descriptors in Portuguese, English and Spanish validation, instrument, nursing. 1278 articles were identified. After inclusion and exclusion criteria, we obtained 21 studies that composed the sample.
Results: The presentation of the results and the final discussion were done through descriptive statistics, presented the flowchart and interrelated through the content. Of the studies included in the review, 42.8% were published in 2017. Regarding the type of research, 80.9% were methodological studies. The types of validation most portrayed were content, transcultural and integral adaptation. Conclusion: After analysis, it was possible to identify a growing production in relation to methods considered valid for care in pediatrics, aiming at the transformation of the care practice regarding methodological innovations within the nursing process.
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