Profile diagnosis in patients submitted to organ removal based on assessment scales


Keywords: Nursing, Nursing Diagnosis, Surgery, Nursing Assessment, Nursing Process


Main goal: Perform the survey of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses profile of surgical patients submitted to
organ removal based on the use of the evaluation scales and to trace the socio-demographic clinical
profile of this population.
Methods: Cross-sectional study. The population comprised of 60 surgical patients hospitalized in
postoperative of organ removal surgery, after sample calculation. The analysis was performed by
means of central, middle and median trend measures, and dispersion, absolute and simple frequency of
quantitative variables. Excel ® 2016 software was used. The results were expressed by means of
Results: Five scales of evaluation were applied. There were 1022 nursing diagnoses based on
NANDA-I, with 93 different diagnostic titles, with an average of 16.39 per patient. Being 67 focused on
the problem, 23 risk and 3 health promotion. The diagnoses with frequency greater than 50% totaled
eleven, which were discussed. The domains that concentrated the majority of the nursing diagnoses
were: Activity/Rest and Safety/Protection.
Conclusion: A high concentration of diagnoses in this population was identified. The number of
diagnoses raised and their diversity identifies the different areas of care that the nurse must be able to
provide care, and the collection of this information places the nurse greater power of care on the patient.
The study demonstrated the importance of the use of evaluation scales that subsidize nursing
diagnoses. The research also points out the importance of using nursing diagnosis as a form of effective


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Author Biographies

Thais Martins Gomes de Oliveira, Zilma Martins Gomes

Mestre em Enfermagem. Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem da Universidade de Brasília

Cristine Alves Costa de Jesus

Ph.D. Professor of the Health Sciences Faculty, Nursing Department and the Post-graduate Programin Nursing of the University of Brasília/UnB, Federal District

Ana Lúcia da Silva

Ph.D. Professor of the Health Sciences Faculty, Nursing Departament, University of Brasília/UnB, Federal District

Diana Lúcia Moura Pinho

Ph.D. Professor of the Health Sciences Faculty, University of Brasília/UnB, Federal District


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How to Cite
Gomes de Oliveira, T.M. et al. 2019. Profile diagnosis in patients submitted to organ removal based on assessment scales. Global Nursing. 19, 1 (Dec. 2019), 63–106. DOI: