Depression in patients diagnosed with cancer in an IV level institution in Montería, Colombia
Objective: To determine the level of depression in patients diagnosed with cancer in an IV level institution in Monteria, Colombia.
Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach. The Zung scale instrument for depression and a sociodemographic data card were applied in patients diagnosed with cancer, attending a specialized institution of IV level of complexity in the city of Monteria.
Results: The most common cancers were: breast cancer 22.2%; and colon and uterus equal representation 18.2%. Regarding depression, 49.5% were slightly depressed; moderately depressed 15.7%; severely depressed 1% and normal range 33.8%. Cases of depression in their different categories according to the Zung scale were found in patients with colon and breast cancer.
Conclusions: It was found that in total 65.2% of the patients had some degree of depression. Depression in patients with cancer is a common phenomenon in people with this condition and incidence is similar in men and women, in turn this depends on factors such as the type and severity of cancer, age and access to support networks both for the person and the family.
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