Quality of life in institutionalized adults with cerebral palsy


  • Agueda Cervera Gasch Universitat Jaume I
  • Laura Martínez Traver
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.19.1.349901
Keywords: cerebral palsy, quality of life, motor skills, activities of daily living communication


Introduction: Cerebral palsy is considered a group of permanent developmental disorders that cause
limitations in daily activity. One of the complications in people with cerebral palsy is the decrease in
quality of life.
Objective: The objective of this study is to know the quality of life for institutionalized adults with
infantile cerebral palsy and to know if there are differences in the quality of life index based on functional
Method: Cross-sectional descriptive observational study in institutionalized adults with infantile cerebral
palsy performed in the APCA and ASPROPACE centers between March and September 2017. The San
Martín questionnaire was administered to measure the Quality of Life, Gross motor classification
system, Barthel questionnaire, Scale CFCS to measure motor function, physical dependence, level of
communication and relate them with sociodemographic and clinical variables. The selection of the
participants was carried out by random stratified sampling. It was approved by the centers' addresses.
Results: Participants were 39 people with an average age of 32.54 years. The overall average score of
the San Martin questionnaire was 102.97 points. The most affected dimensions were material wellbeing,
personal development and social incluison. No statistical significance was obtained in the overall score of the questionnaire based on the secondary variables.
Conclusions: The results of this study have shown that the quality of life of adults with cerebral palsy in
the subjects studied is good.


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How to Cite
Cervera Gasch, A. and Martínez Traver, L. 2019. Quality of life in institutionalized adults with cerebral palsy. Global Nursing. 19, 1 (Dec. 2019), 243–262. DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.19.1.349901.