The very premature newborn: difficulties in the school


  • Cristina Casado Gómez
  • Asunción Moya Maya Facultad de Educación. Universidad de Huelva
  • Ana Corrales González Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla)
Keywords: prematurity, neurodevelopmental alterations, difficulties in childhood, prematurity in school age


Introduction: Premature birth implicitly involves a situation of immaturity that affects all the anatomical
and functional systems of the newborn, a condition of special vulnerability, with a frequent association with other pathologies and / or alterations in child development.
Objetive: To know the difficulties in school that children born very premature can present
Material and Methods: Bibliographic review in databases such as Pubmed, Medline, Scielo, Cochrane; selecting scientific articles in both Spanish and English for the last 10 years.
Results: Children born very premature and / or with low birth weight, have a higher risk of presenting difficulties that may impair their proper development in childhood and adolescence. Some of the needs evidenced at the motor level are simple motor delay and cerebral palsy; at sensory-cognitive level, there were learning problems and major sensory alterations; and at a social-emotional level, there are behavioral disorders such as hyperactivity and emotional disorders such as depression, somatic complaints, fears and phobias.
Conclusions: Health professionals, education and families must know the risk presented by large premature children to present difficulties and / or alterations that may interfere with school life, in order to work together in the prevention of such difficulties with a early intervention. Nursing care must go far beyond the acute situation of the newborn, being a promoter of health in all stages of the child's life.


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Author Biography

Cristina Casado Gómez

Enfermera pediátrica

How to Cite
Casado Gómez, C. et al. 2019. The very premature newborn: difficulties in the school. Global Nursing. 18, 3 (Jun. 2019), 554–578. DOI: