The early food introduction and the risk of allergies: A review of the literature


  • Amanda Maria Luz e Silva Dilma Luiz Luz e Silva e Júlio Cezar da Silva
  • Gicely Regina Sobral da Silva Monteiro
  • Adrienny Nunes da Silva Tavares
  • Zenaide Verônica Rieiro da Silva Pedrosa
Keywords: brestfeeding, infant nutrition, milk hypersensitivity.


Breastfeeding is considered a vital resource for promoting the child’s nutritional health, with repercussions throughout life. The early food introduction to the infant diet is a risk factor for the development of chronic diseases, such as allergy to cow’s milk protein. This research aims to analyze the literature about the low prevalence of breastfeeding, the introduction of early milk in the baby’s diet and the development of food allergies. It is an integrative review of the literature. The search was performed in the databases Lilacs, Pubmed, Science Direct, Capes and VHL, with descriptors previously listed between the years 2008 to 2017. The inclusion criteria were articles online, available in full and published in Portuguese, English and Spanish, obtaining a sample of 11 articles. A critical examination of each research was made, separating them into four different categories so as to make it possible to analyze and answer the guiding question of this study. In view of this, we identified the need for further studies on the subject in order to guide and / or update health professionals in the maintenance of breastfeeding in infants with nutritional restrictions.


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How to Cite
Luz e Silva, A.M. et al. 2019. The early food introduction and the risk of allergies: A review of the literature. Global Nursing. 18, 2 (Mar. 2019), 470–511. DOI: