
  • LS de Lima Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Brasil.
  • EC de Araújo Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Brasil.
  • SMMS Bezerra Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Brasil.
  • FM Linhares Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Brasil.
  • AKA de Lima Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Brasil.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.6.2.345
Keywords: infección, tracto urinario, sonda vesical, pacientes, unidad de vigilancia intensiva, infecção, trato urinário, unidade de terapia intensiva, infection, tract urinary, long-term catheterization, patients, intensive therapy unit


Cohort study, quantitative boarding, with the objective to evaluate the urinary infection, occurrence, main etiologics agents and antibiotics groups from a sample-population of 38 patients with a long-term catheterization, from 15 to 91 years interned in an intensive therapy unit at public hospital institution of Recife, PE, Capital of Pernambuco State, Northeast of Brazil. A structuralized script was used, filled through collection of data in the patients’ handbook, as well as of uroculture results with antibiogram test. The data had been organized, processed and presented in tables with values absolute. This study was approved by the ethics committee on human research. Written informed consent was obtained for all patients. Amongst outcomes, 22 patients had had the catheters vesical installed in General Emergency and 10 patients one in the Surgical Center; the urinary tract infection incidence occurred in about the half of the patients investigated in the Emergency and two patients who had been investigated in Intensive Therapy Unit; average from five to 20 days was the permanence time of the vesical catheterization in 25 patients, and amongst these, 14 had presented urinary tract infection in elapsing of the internment in the Intensive Therapy Unit; some etiologic agents had been isolated in urocultures, amongst them Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida sp. It’s important to notice that the indiscriminate antimicrobials use is very common in the unit in study, favoring still more the proliferation and the infectious agents resistance, being recommended to implement of infections’ prevention and control measures, as well as to elaborated a antimicrobial therapy protocol in this Intensive Therapy Unit.


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Author Biographies

LS de Lima, Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Brasil.

RN, PhD. Profesora Adjunta

EC de Araújo, Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Brasil.

RN, MsC, PhD. Profesor Adjunto

SMMS Bezerra, Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Brasil.

RN, MsC, PhD. Profesora Adjunta

FM Linhares, Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Brasil.

RN, MsC. Profesora Asistente

AKA de Lima, Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Brasil.

RN. Lcda. en Enfermería
How to Cite
de Lima, L. et al. 2007. URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS FOCUSED ON LONG-TERM CATHETERIZATION OF PATIENTS IN INTENSIVE THERAPY UNIT OF RECIFE (PE), BRAZIL. Global Nursing. 6, 2 (Nov. 2007). DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.6.2.345.