Confirmatory factor analysis of the safety attitudes questionnaire/operating room


  • Daniela Campos de Andrade Lourenção Departamento de Orientação Profissional da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo
  • Daisy Maria Rizatto Tronchin Universidade de São Paulo
Keywords: Patient Safety, Surgicenters, Perioperative Nursing, Validation Studies


Objective: To analyze the factor structure of the version of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire/Operating Room Version that has been translated and culturally adapted to the Brazilian context.
Method: This was a methodological study about a questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered to 412 health professionals who worked in operating rooms. The factor structure was tested with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Cronbach's alpha. Results: The total score for Cronbach's alpha was 0.912; and the scores for the domains ranged from 0.56 and 0.85. The domain with the worst performance was communication in the surgical setting.
The results of CFA showed that the score for SRMR was 0.052, RMSEA, 0.031, and CFI, 0.95. These scores indicate the reliability and acceptability of the Brazilian adaptation of the questionnaire. Conclusion: The factor structure demonstrated the validity and reliability of the Brazilian version of the questionnaire for measuring the patient safety climate as perceived by healthcare professionals who worked in surgical settings


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Author Biographies

Daniela Campos de Andrade Lourenção, Departamento de Orientação Profissional da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo

Doutora em Ciências. Bolsista do Programa Nacional de Pós-doutoramento no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gerenciamento em Enfermagem na Universidade de São Paulo.

Daisy Maria Rizatto Tronchin, Universidade de São Paulo

Professora Associada do Departamento de Orientação Profissional da Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite
Lourenção, D.C. de A. and Tronchin, D.M.R. 2019. Confirmatory factor analysis of the safety attitudes questionnaire/operating room. Global Nursing. 18, 3 (Jun. 2019), 195–245. DOI: