Pulmonary tuberculosis prevention behavior improvement and structured-health education in Bogor regency
Pulmonary Tuberculosis (pulmonary TB) is a common infectious disease in the world, including in Indonesia. It is very easily transmitted through sputum splashes. It encourages development of interventions in order to control the transmission of TB, such as structured health education.
The aims of this study were to determine the effect of structured health education intervention on the prevention behavior of pulmonary TB in Bogor regency, Indonesia.
This study used quasi-experimental design with pre- and post-test design, involving 82 adults age community member who were devided into intervention and control group. The study was conducted in districts with high TB prevalence selected by purposive sampling, while the research subject was selected using simple random sampling.
The results showed that structured education significantly affects knowledge (p value = 0,000), attitude (p value = 0,000), and skill prevention of pulmonary TB transmission (p value = 0,000). Structured health could applied as an alternative choice of community nursing interventions that can be given to people at risk of pulmonary TB.
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