Traffic accident: a review of cases of head trauma
Objective: The objective of this study was to characterize the victims of traffic accidents hospitalized in a general hospital in the city of Natal and the traffic accident suffered by them.
Methods: This is an exploratory, cross-sectional, quantitative, descriptive study conducted with 90 victims of traffic accidents, from July to November 2015, who had Cranioencephalic Trauma.
Results: 90% of the victims studied were male, 28.9% were between 20-29 years of age, 43.3% of the accidents were on Sunday, the motorcycle was the most involved vehicle (83.3%). Victims were 74.4% motorcycle drivers, 26.7% were wearing helmets and 65.6% had drunk alcoholic beverages. The motorcycle crashes represented 48.9% of the accidents. Mild Cranioencephalic Trauma was highlighted.
Conclusion: The profile of the victims of traffic accidents with traumatic brain injury is characterized by males and young people. Already the accident presents predominance at the end of the week, having the bike as its main responsible and the alcohol intake contributed to the event.
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