Consumption of addictive substances, tobacco, alcohol and marijuana by students of North Portugal
Introduction: The consumption of addictive substances is a public health problem likely to precipitate other risk behaviours in youngsters, including physical aggression.
Aim: To evaluate the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana in a student population of a city in the north of Portugal.
Methods: A quantitative study, descriptive and cross-sectional. The study involved 1.066 young students, from a city in the north of Portugal, enrolled in nine high school and higher education institutions, with an average age of seventeen years. A self-administered questionnaire was applied in paper and digital format.
Results: Results showed that the consumption of addictive substances began in early adolescence, that the current consumption of alcoholic beverages is high and the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana is often interrelated.
Conclusions: The consumption of addictive substances is influenced by individual and contextual factors affecting these research results. Thus, it is crucial to plan an intervention strategy encompassing social, educational and health policies appealing for young students’ adherence.
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