Anxiety in primary care nursing technicians
Objective: To evaluate the level of anxiety in nursing technicians of the Family Health Strategy, emphasizing the determinant aspects for the emergence of anxiety.Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative approach, consisting of 28 Nursing Technicians, using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) as an instrument for data collection.
Results: Eight nursing technicians presented levels of high anxiety and 20 of low anxiety. There was an increase in the S-Anxiety Scale score during the activities, with statistical difference in relation to the moment before. The low remuneration, work overload and professional devaluation were pointed out as factors responsible for provoking the appearance of anxiety within the scope of work.
Conclusion: The study evidences a predominance of low anxiety among the study population; however, it was possible to detect factors triggering the anxiety, pointing out that such aspects may come to harm the peculiarity of the assistance to the user.
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