Values, spirituality and alcohol consumption in high school students


  • Carmen Leticia Cervantes Peña Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Linda Azucena Rodríguez Puente
  • María Magdalena Alonso Castillo
  • Nora Nelly Oliva Rodríguez
  • Alicia Álvarez Martínez
  • Alejandra Leija Mendoza
Keywords: Values, Spirituality, Alcohol Consumption, Adolescents

Supporting Agencies

  • Linda Azucena Rodríguez Puente
  • María Magdalena Alonso Castillo
  • Nora Nelly Oliva Rodríguez
  • Alicia Álvarez Martínez
  • Alejandra Leija Mendoza


Introduction: Values and spirituality have been identified as protective factors that decrease the development of risky behaviors in adolescents such as alcohol consumption.
Aim: To identify values and spirituality in high school adolescents and determine the relationship between values and spirituality with alcohol consumption in high school adolescents.
Method: A descriptive correlational design was used. The population was of 4728 students from a high school in the central area of Monterrey, Nuevo León. It was used a a single-stage stratified probabilistic sampling, the sample consisted of 317 enrolled subjects. The variables were evaluated using the Schwartz Values Questionnaire (VAL), the Spirituality Questionnaire (CE) and the AUDIT.
Results: It was found that the general index of values showed an average of 70.4 (SD = 11.1, Mdn = 70.54), the spirituality index showed an average of 66.3 (SD = 13.4, Mdn = 67.82). A positive and significant correlation was found between spiritual beliefs and the index of alcohol dependent consumption (rs = .181, p = .016), a significant negative correlation between spiritual beliefs and the number of alcoholic beverages consumed per occasion (rs = .117, p = .038) and positive and significant correlation between spiritual needs and the index of harmful consumption (rs = .180, p = .017).
Conclusions: Adolescents who have greater spiritual beliefs and spiritual needs are more dependent on harmful alcohol consumption.


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How to Cite
Cervantes Peña, C.L. et al. 2018. Values, spirituality and alcohol consumption in high school students. Global Nursing. 17, 3 (Jun. 2018), 470–483. DOI: