Social support and quality of life of people with tuberculosis/HIV
Objective: To analyze the association of quality of life with social support in people with tuberculosis/HIV.Methods: Descriptive study whose sample consisted of outpatients coinfected with tuberculosis and HIV from Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Data was collected using three instruments: the WHOQOL-HIV BREF Scale; the Social Support Scale for People Living with HIV/AIDS; and a questionnaire to gather clinical and sociodemographic information. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in data analysis. All ethical requirements were met.
Results: Among the 57 people interviewed, males predominated, as did those who were heterosexual, those with few years of education, and those with low income. Average scores for quality of life and social support were intermediate; associations were identified for instrumental support and the domains physical and social relationships. Emotional support was correlated to all domains except spirituality. Conclusion: Positive associations were found between social support and quality of life. Social support can mitigate the negative consequences of both diseases, directly affecting the quality of life of patients.
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