Facial validation of Nursing Activities Score in three intensive care units in Bogota, Colombia


  • Julio Cesar Fajardo Quintana Clinica Universidad De La Sabana. Universidad El Bosque
  • Monica Cruz Sarmiento
  • Yezid Mora
  • Laura Milena Torres Leguizamon
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.16.1.261091
Keywords: Professional role, nursing care, reproducibility of results, workload

Supporting Agencies

  • Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de La salud
  • Hospital San Jose
  • Hospital Infantil Universitario San Jose
  • Clinica La Colina


Introduction: The measurement of workloads in nursing is essential to objectify the nurse-patient relationship. It is assumed that the greater complexity of patients, the greater the time commitment of a nurse providing direct care.
Method: Cross-cultural adaptation of the scale Nursing Activities Score (NAS) to Spanish, includes 23 items that measure clinical and administrative tasks of nurses in ICU use. The instrument to an expert opinion be submitted using the Delphi method two rounds to corroborate the content validity of the instrument. The ratio of content validity (RVC) and content validity index (CVI) to establish the usefulness of each item will apply. The ratio of content validity (RVC) and content validity index (CVI) to establish the usefulness of each item will apply. Subsequently, the device should be applied to a sample of nursing professionals three polyvalent intensive care units, applying the same statistical test.

Results: significant RVC data were obtained for most items, in the round of experts and professionals sampling. Although there are some items that did not obtain the minimum score to be considered valid, the global index IVC in the sample of experts and professionals is considered satisfactory, so the scale is considered to be valid with amendments


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Author Biographies

Julio Cesar Fajardo Quintana, Clinica Universidad De La Sabana. Universidad El Bosque

Enfermero. MSc Farmacología. Coordinador Enfermería. Clínica Universidad De La Sabana. Docente. Universidad El Bosque

Monica Cruz Sarmiento

Enfermera, Fundación Cardioinfantil. Bogotá, Colombia

Yezid Mora

Enfermero, Clínica Universitaria Colombia. Bogotá.

Laura Milena Torres Leguizamon

Enfermera, Clínica La Colina. Bogotá, Colombia


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How to Cite
Fajardo Quintana, J.C. et al. 2016. Facial validation of Nursing Activities Score in three intensive care units in Bogota, Colombia. Global Nursing. 16, 1 (Dec. 2016), 102–129. DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.16.1.261091.