Narrative strategy for an approach to the process of death


  • Montserrat Guillaumet Escola Universitària d'Infermeria Sant Pau. Adscrita a la Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)
  • Gemma Amorós
  • Adelaida Ramos
  • Beatriz Campillo
  • Mª Antonia Martínez Momblan
Keywords: Experiential Learning, Death, Nursing Students, Reflective Practice


Objectives: Based on teaching experience of reflective practice, we aim to explore the description about personal experiences around death in second degree nursing students. We intend to understand the environment process of death, and its importance in nursing care.
Methods: Qualitative study with a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. Participants in this study were students of “Therapeutic communication” recruited in the classroom, during the 2nd lesson of the subject. Participation was voluntary and each student could choose between 4 different topics. Data was collected using reflective writing. The texts were analyzed using qualitative content analysis with semantic approach.
Results: Several units of meaning were identified and subsequently grouped in 8 categories where 6 different topics emerged: Impact of the notice; Farewell; Evocation; Coping; Beliefs and values; Personal growth.
Conclusions: Raising awareness of own experiences in the process of death can help to define relevant aspects that may improve professional care. The recognition of the behaviors observed during the grieving process contributes to optimize the sensitive accompaniment of people in processes around death. The pedagogical chronicle, as a teaching strategy, is useful in nursing education given that allows the comprehension of the significance and impact of complex situations. Reflection on the lived experiences and contrasting them with the literature allows guiding the process of comprehensive care.


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How to Cite
Guillaumet, M. et al. 2017. Narrative strategy for an approach to the process of death. Global Nursing. 17, 1 (Dec. 2017), 185–210. DOI: