Relationship between satisfaction and stress levels identified in parents with children admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Aims. 1) Identify the relationship between the degree of stress and satisfaction, and 2) analyse what aspects influence the overall perception of stress in parents with children admitted to a NICU.Method. Cross-sectional descriptive study of a sample of 24 mothers / fathers. A socio-biodemographic questionnaire prepared "ad hoc", parental stress scale Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PSS: NICU) and questionnaire about the quality of hospital care (SERVQHOS) were used.
Results. Statistically significant differences between some socio-biodemographic variables and the dimensions of the PSS:NICU scale and the SERVQHOS questionnaire were observed. The variables that best predict the overall stress were the dimensions appearance and behaviour of the new-born (AC) and the role of the mother (PM) (R2 = 0.357, F (2,21) = 5.822; p = 0.010).
Conclusions. Promote proper communication between professionals and fathers / mothers with children admitted to a NICU, increases in them satisfaction; however, this does not cause a decrease in overall stress. The variables that most influence on the overall stress levels are alterations in the appearance / behaviour of the baby and the role of the mother.
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