Nursing diagnoses and interventions of the safety/protection domain for hemodialysis patients
Supporting Agencies
- Unidade de Diálise do Hospital Geral de Fortaleza
- Universidade Estadual do Ceará.
The objective of this study was to identify the nursing diagnoses of the safety/protection domain in the NANDA-I Taxonomy II and propose nursing interventions and activities based on the Nursing interventions Classification (NIC) for chronic renal patients undergoing hemodialysis. Diagnoses present in at least 75% of the sample were analyzed, corresponding to 25 patients hospitalized in Fortaleza-Ceará-Brazil in 2014/2015. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committees of the State University of Ceará and the General Hospital of Fortaleza under Opinion nº 392.488 and CAAE: 19640613.2.0000.5534. Five high-risk nursing diagnoses present in 100% of the simple were selected. Some of the interventions and activities proposed for the diagnosis of risk of infections were infection control and adequate cleaning of the environment after the its use for each patient. The identified diagnoses are all related to risks. This calls attention to the role of nurses in preventive actions with patients and professionals, as they are responsible for the success of the treatment. Also, the knowledge of these professionals and their interventions and activities provide a scientific basis for evidence-based discussions. Finally, the research is relevant for its contributions to nursing/health care actions to patients/users undergoing hemodialysis treatment.Downloads
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