Theoretical and practical knowledge of the nurse on Nursing Process and Systematization of nursing
The objective of this study was identify the theoretical and practical knowledge of nurses on the Systematization of Nursing Care and Nursing Process in a public teaching hospital in São Paulo - Brazil.
We conducted a descriptive exploratory study, qualitative and quantitative approach with 164 nurses. It was found that 57% of nurses reported that the workload prevents the use of the Systematization of Nursing Care and Nursing process, 38% say that the forms are inadequate for the work unit and 29 % report that the lack of credibility method, with elements that prevent proper development of the activity. So for these nurses both Systematization of nursing care as the Nursing Process has the same meaning.
In conclusion it was identified among nurses of the institution using Systematization of nursing care and the Nursing Process as without distinction working methods, which contributes to the conceptual knowledge of differences.
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