Nursing process to men with laryngeal cancer based on Neuman model
The objective was to operate the nursing process proposed by Betty Neuman men with laryngeal cancer in identifying stressors and coping patterns triggered in cancer experience. Exploratory, descriptive, qualitative study used as a theoretical model of the Betty Neuman with 30 men undergoing treatment for cancer of the larynx, belonging to a support group, located in São Paulo, Brazil. Customers have provided some nursing diagnoses caused by stressors identified and related to the treatment of laryngeal cancer. From this, drew up the goals and nursing outcomes that enabled coping with stressful forces and the restoration of lines of defense, yielding satisfactory interventions to minimize the stress experienced. It was found that the difficulties of treatment of laryngeal cancer could be solved with a nursing practice focused on attention and dialogue, relying on sound scientific method.Downloads
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