Factors associated with condom use among young men who have sex with men
Introduction: The increase of HIV infections in Brazil among Men who have Sex with Men (MSM), aged between 15 and 24 years, has the low condom use as one of the factors.
This research aims to describe the factors that are associated or not to condom use among young MSM.
Methodology: Descriptive study, of quantitative nature, using sample for convenience. The scenario was six LGBT nightclubs in the city of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, selected through a gay nightclub guide. Participants are MSM in the age group between 18 and 24 years who reported having had sex with men. Data collection took place during October 2012. A total of 220 young people were interviewed with the aid of a data collection instrument. Data analysis was performed through the EpiInfo program.
Results: Condom use is associated with disease prevention. The justifications for not using condom in oral sex, in the first and last sexual relation were discomfort, lack of experience/knowledge and confidence in the partner respectively.
Conclusion: This study indicates that the interviewees are susceptible to HIV infection when they abandon or do not use the condom because of their lack of knowledge and/or experience. Guidance and clarification activities with informative material are relevant, considering the vulnerability of this group to STIs.
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