Analysis of impact of the economic crisis on the syndrome of Burnout and resilience in nursing


  • Javier Muñoz Sánchez Unidad de Salud Mental Infanto Juvenil Area de salud de Ibiza y Formentera. Ibiza.
  • Noelia del Amor Martinez Hospital Can Misses. Área de salud de Ibiza y Formentera. Ibiza
  • Marta Lázaro Sahuquillo Hospital La Mancha Centro, Alcazar de San Juan (Ciudad Real)
  • Aurora Carranza Román Hospital Perpetuo Socorro de Albacete
  • Marta Martínez Cantó Hospital Morales Meseguer, Murcia
Keywords: Economic crisis, Burnout, resilience, nursing


This research project aims to analyze the conditions of work, the individual variables and health are related to the development of burnout syndrome, as well as the potential effect of "hardness" or "resistant personality", present in our field of work, all this in the context of economic crisis in which we find ourselves today. Based on this analysis, strategies for change in order to improve job satisfaction and lower levels of work wear, acting on the factors that most influence on it could pose.

It is an observational, descriptive, transversal, study in a sample of 377 nursing professionals and auxiliary nurses specialized care and attention health public system socio-health of the city of Albacete. Subjects will be selected randomly according to availability in service/work unit.

The prevalence of burnout syndrome is superior to its pre-crisis being the emotional exhaustion the more influential in his appearance dimension. There are certain factors that predispose to the increase of burnout and others that are risk factors for its development. At the same time the resistant personality acts as a protective factor in the emergence of the syndrome. Future lines of research could be aimed at the study of interventions for the promotion of resilience.


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Author Biographies

Javier Muñoz Sánchez, Unidad de Salud Mental Infanto Juvenil Area de salud de Ibiza y Formentera. Ibiza.


Noelia del Amor Martinez, Hospital Can Misses. Área de salud de Ibiza y Formentera. Ibiza


Marta Lázaro Sahuquillo, Hospital La Mancha Centro, Alcazar de San Juan (Ciudad Real)


Aurora Carranza Román, Hospital Perpetuo Socorro de Albacete


Marta Martínez Cantó, Hospital Morales Meseguer, Murcia



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How to Cite
Muñoz Sánchez, J. et al. 2017. Analysis of impact of the economic crisis on the syndrome of Burnout and resilience in nursing. Global Nursing. 16, 2 (Mar. 2017), 315–335. DOI: