Nursing care perspectives in high-risk pregnancy: integrative review
Integrative review aimed to analyze the perspectives of nursing care to the woman who experiences pregnancy high risk as from international and national scientific productions, in view of the contribution they offer to the fifth millennium development goal. Search at databases Cinahl/Medline/Lilacs/BDENF. Twenty-four studies allowed the emergence of categories: Nursing care in view of the subjectivity of the woman who experiences a high-risk pregnancy; The care of women who experience pregnancy high risk in view of the systematization nursing care. If on one hand the international and national research considered relevant perceptions and feelings of pregnant women at risk, on the other, the process focused on the physiological aspects of nursing, holding up the interventionist paradigm. These scientific positions, if convergent, announce the possibility of developing methodologies for nursing care which bring together the multifaceted dimensions considered in these studies, contributing to the reduction of maternal mortality
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