Epidemiological profile of the traumatic emergencies assisted by a mobile prehospital emergency service
Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of the traumatic emergencies assisted by a mobile prehospital emergency service in Northeastern Brazil.Methods: Documentary and quantitative study, performed from the patients’ records of the emergencies between January and June 2014, consisting the sample of 1,960 records. A structured questionnaire to collect data was used, and the analysis was by descriptive statistics.
Results: There was predominance of Traffic Accidents (TA) – 67.7%; falls (17.1%); and perforation by firearms (6.8%). The most involved were men (76.2%), framed in the age group young adults (46.6%) and the largest number of occurrences was in the weekend (37.4%). Among them, 58.1% had mild trauma and 44.0% did not suffer polytrauma. There was neglect in relation to the annotation of the Glasgow coma scale in 39.0% of cases.
Conclusion: Among the traumatic emergencies, TA occurred mostly on Sunday, involving male young adults. One emphasizes that the negligence of professionals regarding basics notes in the patients' records are responsible for generating difficulties for the development of researches. Moreover, with regard to judicial proceedings, it is notorious that there is not documentary support concerning the provided assistance.
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