Nursing interventions for patients with erectile dysfunction after radical prostatectomy: an integrative review


  • Aline Helena Appoloni Eduardo Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo (EERP-USP)
  • Anamaria Alves Napoleão Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar
  • Emilia Campos de Carvalho Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo EERP-USP
Keywords: erectile dysfunction, prostatectomy, nursing care, nursing intervention


This study aimed to identify nursing interventions for patients undergoing radical prostatectomy. This is an integrative review, guided by the question “What are the nursing interventions directed to patients with erectile dysfunction after radical prostatectomy?”, held on the databases PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Cochrane Library, LILACS and on the list of references of selected articles. The final sample was comprised of 10 papers; 43 nursing interventions were identified and grouped in 10 categories. The nursing interventions for patients with erectile dysfunction after radical prostatectomy focused on the education regarding the nature of erectile dysfunction, treatment and sexuality; besides strengthening the involvement of partners during the process of coping with and treating the dysfunction. These interventions may be useful so that nurses can act during the follow-up of these patients, providing better quality of life and well-being


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How to Cite
Appoloni Eduardo, A.H. et al. 2016. Nursing interventions for patients with erectile dysfunction after radical prostatectomy: an integrative review. Global Nursing. 15, 2 (Mar. 2016), 424–471. DOI: