Knowledge and attitudes about adolescent sexuality in first course to degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education at the University of Jaén


  • María Rodríguez Mármol
  • Rafael Muñoz Cruz
  • Inés Sánchez Muñoz
Keywords: adolescents, sexuality, sexual behaviours, sexual education


Introduction: Both teen pregnancy and the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections in this population is a health problem of great importance. Framing adolescent and sexuality, studies indicate high frequencies in risky behaviours and poor knowledge about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases.
Objective: To describe the knowledge and attitudes about adolescent sexuality of First Degree in Education at University of Jaén.

Method: The information was collected through an anonymous, voluntary, self-administered questionnaire, which was applied to a non-random convenience sample of 151 subjects First Degree in Early Childhood and Primary at the University of Jaén.

Results: 118 reported having had sex with penetration, being these significant differences between girls and boys (p = .034), as well as for masturbation regarding sex (96% men vs. 19% women). They are the women who practice more fellatio (p = .031), but these sexual practices are carried out with partner (p = .01), boys are who have higher alcohol consumption prior to intercourse (p =. 021) and higher number of sexual partners (p = .026). They are still women who identify, greater proportion, the papilloma as STD (p = .02). And 27.7% is who known dual method of contraception.

Conclusions: Three quarters of the sample had sex, and most have sex in the currently, using contraception to prevent pregnancy. Rating this together with a deficit of knowledge of the dual method contraceptive (a quarter of the total) and sexually transmitted infections, leads us to think that is necessary sex education for these teens.


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Author Biographies

María Rodríguez Mármol

- Diplomada Universitaria en Enfermería. Universidad de Jaén.

- Máster en Gerontologia Social, longevidad, salud y calidad de vida. Universidad de Jaén.

- Máster en Investigación e Innovación en Salud, cuidados y calidad de vida. Universidad de Jaén.

Rafael Muñoz Cruz

- Diplomado Universitari en Enfermería. Universidad de Granada.

- Máster en Gerontologia Social, longevidad, salud y calidad de vida. Universidad de Jaén.

- Máster en Investigación e Innovación en Salud, cuidados y calidad de vida. Universidad de Jaén.

Inés Sánchez Muñoz

- Diplomada Universitaria en Enfermería. Universidad de Jaén.

- Máster en Investigación e Innovación en Salud, cuidados y calidad de vida. Universidad de Jaén.

How to Cite
Rodríguez Mármol, M. et al. 2016. Knowledge and attitudes about adolescent sexuality in first course to degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education at the University of Jaén. Global Nursing. 15, 1 (Jan. 2016), 164–182. DOI:
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