salud de la mujer; enfermedad coronaria; factores socioeconómic“There, I endured my pain". Sociocultural and economic context of women with coronary syndrome in Cali and other municipalities in the Valle del Cauca


  • Susana Genith Valencia Micolta Universidad Santiago de Cali
  • Estela Rodríguez Torres Universidad Santiago de Cali
Keywords: women´s health, coronary disease, socioeconomic factors, social determinants of health, cultural factors (source, MeSH, NLM)

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Universidad Santiago de Cali


The research is part of the Multicenter Research "Comparative characterization of the symptoms of angina in women in eight cities of Colombia."
 It addresses the conditions of inequality in employment, education, gender and ethnicity, violence and forced displacement, physiological factors that trigger a variety of symptoms and the appearance of coronary syndrome, angina and acute myocardial infarction.

Objective: To determine socio-cultural and economic factors that affect the onset of symptoms of angina in women from Cali and Valle del Cauca municipalities.

Material and methods: Descriptive qualitative study in 23 women with background of having experienced discomfort, chest pain or discomfort, hemodynamically stable, coronary arteriography vessel injury increased 70%, and post-acute coronary syndrome. The interviews are analyzed with the content analysis technique of Klipendorf and the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms by Lenz and colleagues.

 Results: Unpleasant symptoms are related to physiological background and factors of physical, family and social environment. Findings related to work and domestic responsibilities, assuming roles, family support and coping with their difficulties, living with uncertainty and insecurity, relationships with the environment, complying with treatment.

Conclusion: The way of life in women with acute coronary syndrome, is an influential factor in the worsening of symptoms. Women are exposed to disadvantageous experiences and environments in conditions of vulnerability and inequality.


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Author Biographies

Susana Genith Valencia Micolta, Universidad Santiago de Cali

Enfermera Esp.Docencia Universitaria, Mg SP.

Estela Rodríguez Torres, Universidad Santiago de Cali

Enfermera.Mg SP
How to Cite
Valencia Micolta, S.G. and Rodríguez Torres, E. 2015. salud de la mujer; enfermedad coronaria; factores socioeconómic“There, I endured my pain". Sociocultural and economic context of women with coronary syndrome in Cali and other municipalities in the Valle del Cauca. Global Nursing. 14, 4 (Oct. 2015), 201–232. DOI:
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