Colombian women living with hiv/aids: experiences and needs of nursing care


  • MM Lafaurie Psicóloga, Máster en Igualdad y Género en el Ámbito Público y Privado, Profesora Asociada Facultad Enfermería.Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá
  • M Zúñiga MD, docente Facultades de Medicina y Enfermería. Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá
Keywords: Women, gender, HIV/AIDS, qualitative research, nursing care


The objective of this approach has been to ascertain the experiences of life and the nursing care needs of Colombian women who live with HIV/AIDS in order to obtain elements to focus programs and gender and rights based intervention processes led by nursing professionals. The study uses a qualitative design based on narratives obtained through in-depth interviews from 5 women diagnosed with HIV, aged between 30 and 55 years old, who come from different regions of the country assigned by the subsidized regime of the social security system for health to the infectology service at a clinic situated in Bogotá, Colombia, where they receive treatment.
Analysis of the results establishes that this group of women is diverse, inasmuch as the subjects come from different areas and have different lifestyles. The relation of the women with their disease indicates that each case has its particularities and different forms of facing it. Notwithstanding the above, there are similarities between them: all women emphasize that the HIV/AIDS has had deep impact in their lives which have been changed by the disease. Several describe feelings of guilt, disappointment, social rejection and solitude. HIV has affected their life at the family, work, affective and sexual level. They all state that adherence to treatment is the main cause of their survival.
Their needs are related to their psychosocial situation as well as to their health care. Recommendations suggested include, among others, activities of education for self care and gender centred workshops for the better understanding of the disease as well as for enhancing self-esteem, empowerment and self - acceptance


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How to Cite
Lafaurie, M. and Zúñiga, M. 2011. Colombian women living with hiv/aids: experiences and needs of nursing care. Global Nursing. 10, 4 (Oct. 2011). DOI:
Enfermería y perspectiva de Género