Internationalization of Nursing Education and its Challenges


  • María Olga Quintana Zavala Universidad de Sonora
  • Tatiana Paravic Klijn Universidad de Concepción
Keywords: Internationalization, higher education, nursing


Most universities and higher education institutions are involved in a process of improvement to raise their quality standards, contribute to students’ training and consequently raise their prestige and recognition by incorporating Internationalization in their programs. However, there are concerns regarding this issue, related to the political realities of countries and national security, the high cost of overseas studies, the incidence of transnational programs without accreditation, and the tendency of considering education as another product among others. In Nursing Education, Internationalization confers great benefits and overcomes the challenges to achieve means to continue positioning itself as a Discipline, Profession and Science. Therefore the aim of this paper is to reflect on the internationalization of education, and especially on this phenomenon from the perspective of Nursing, by
presenting the general context, problems, current status within the profession, the ways Internationalization can be achieved, and the challenges presented to us, considering that it is a complex issue with multiple stakeholders: countries, universities and higher education institutions, teachers and students.


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Author Biographies

María Olga Quintana Zavala, Universidad de Sonora

*M.C.E. María Olga Quintana Zavala, Profesora de Asignatura Nivel C, Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Sonora. Doctoranda en Enfermería. Universidad de Concepción. Becaria Universidad de Sonora. Dirección: Chacabuco No. 347 Depto. 201, Concepción, Chile. Fono: (56) (41) 323 9297 -  65375939.  Correo electrónico:

Tatiana Paravic Klijn, Universidad de Concepción

**Dra. Tatiana Paravic Klijn, Profesora Titular, Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Medicina.  Dirección: Roosevelt esq. Janequeo s/n Concepción, Chile. Fono: (56) (41) 220 44 49 -  220 07065. Correo electrónico:

How to Cite
Quintana Zavala, M.O. and Paravic Klijn, T. 2011. Internationalization of Nursing Education and its Challenges. Global Nursing. 10, 4 (Oct. 2011). DOI:
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