Development of a high/transfer charter for nursing in surgical procedures related to vascular access for hemodialysis


  • Daniel Lanzas Martin
  • Patrícia Pontífice Sousa
  • Paula Alexandra da Silva Rodrigues Batis
  • Gregório José Vieira Labisa
Keywords: Nursing records, hemodialysis, operating theatres.


Introduction At the Medical-Surgical Nursing Specialization Course of the Portuguese Catholic University, during a clinical practice in operating room, we saw that the majority of surgical procedures related to vascular access for haemodialysis were performed on an outpatient basis. On return to the centre, rarely do the patients bring a nursing discharge letter to provide continuity of care that began in the operating room. Records transmitted the responsibility and the nature of the interventions of nurses’ communication between different levels of health is facilitated. Aim To prepare a discharge /nursing transfer sheet for these procedures based on the opinion of the nurses at various levels of care provision in the Lisbon area. Material and Method Was used content analysis methodology. 20 questionnaires were distributed. The method was simple random sampling. Results The discharge / transfer of nursing sheet was understood as an element of patient’s record, ensuring continuity of care between the operating room and haemodialysis centre. Content analysis took in three categories and nine subcategories. Conclusion The types of surgery, vascular access, intra-operative occurrences or involved nursing care are, among other things, vital information on the discharge /transfer sheet to ensure continuity of care. The recognition of the importance of nursing records facilitates the design and implementation of a communication tool in surgical procedures related to vascular access for haemodialysis.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Lanzas Martin

Mestrando en el curso de Mestrado de Escpecialización en Enfermería Médico-Médico-Quirúrgica por la Universidad Católica Portuguesa; Especialista en Enfermería Médico-Médico-Quirúrgica por la Universidad Católica Portuguesa; Master en Enfermería Nefrológica por la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía; Licenciado en Enfermería;

Patrícia Pontífice Sousa

Profesora Adjunta. Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Católica Portuguesa;

Especialista en Enfermería Médico – Quirúrgica;

Máster en Comunicación en Salud.

Paula Alexandra da Silva Rodrigues Batis

Máster en Enfermería con área de Especialización en Enfermería Médico – Quirúrgica;

Licenciada en Enfermería.

Profesora Asociada. Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Católica Portuguesa;

Gregório José Vieira Labisa

Especialista en Enfermería de Rehabilitación;

Licenciado en Enfermería;

Coordinador del área quirúrgica. Hospital de Santa Cruz.

How to Cite
Lanzas Martin, D. et al. 2011. Development of a high/transfer charter for nursing in surgical procedures related to vascular access for hemodialysis. Global Nursing. 10, 4 (Oct. 2011). DOI: